Guide to Pest Control in Perth

Getting Rid of Pests in Perth

Guide to Pest Control in Perth

This comprehensive guide is written by Paul Raymond from Pro Pest Control in Perth.

Pest control is an important service that helps manage and eliminate unwanted pests from homes and businesses. With Perth’s warm climate, pests like cockroaches, ants, spiders, and more can easily find their way indoors. Implementing proper pest control measures can prevent infestations, protect your property, and create a healthier living environment.

What is Pest Control?

Pest control, also known as extermination, is the management and regulation of species defined as pests. Pests are organisms that transmit disease, destroy property, or cause annoyance. Pest control reduces pest populations to tolerable levels through a variety of means.

The main types of pests that impact Perth homes and businesses include:

  • Cockroaches
  • Ants
  • Spiders
  • Rodents
  • Termites
  • Bed bugs
  • Fleas
  • Bees and wasps
  • Birds
  • Mosquitoes
  • Silverfish

Pest control involves both preventing new infestations and managing existing ones. This is accomplished by eliminating food sources, sealing up entry points, setting out traps and bait, applying pesticides, and more. Getting rid of the things pests need to survive encourages them to leave and deters future invaders.

Why is Pest Control Important?

There are wide range of important reasons to invest in effective pest control:

  • Prevents the spread of disease: Many kinds of pests can transmit dangerous diseases. Rodents and insects can spread hantavirus, salmonella, the plague, and more health hazards.
  • Avoids damage to property: Termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles, and other pests can destroy wood structures and destroy buildings over time. Getting rid of them prevents costly damage.
  • Reduces allergies: Pests like rodents, cockroaches, and dust mites can trigger allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in sensitive individuals.
  • Protects food supplies: Pantry pests and insects contaminate food storage areas and allow bacteria to grow. Proper pest removal protects them.
  • Provides peace of mind: Eliminating pest infestations makes your Perth home or business cleaner and more pleasant to live and work in.
  • It’s the law: Certain industries, including housing, hospitality, and healthcare, are legally required to control pests.

Investing in pest control experts saves money in the long run by avoiding expensive structural damage and medical bills. It also creates a higher quality living environment.

Pest Control Services in Perth

Reputable pest companies in Perth offer comprehensive inspection, prevention, and control services for residential and commercial clients. Common services include:

Pest Inspections

A professional pest inspection surveys your property to detect current or potential risks. The inspector looks for signs of infestation like droppings and nesting spots. The process involves visually checking both interior and exterior areas, tapping on walls for hollow tunnels, and identifying settings conducive to pests. After the inspection you receive a report of findings and recommended actions.

Regular inspections provide early detection of emerging pest problems so they can be addressed before causing extensive damage. They also confirm whether preventative treatments are successfully keeping pests at bay. It’s smart to schedule annual pest inspections for your Perth home and business building.

Residential Pest Control

Residential clients rely on pest control solutions in Perth to eliminate unwelcome invaders from houses, apartments, garages, attics, yards, and more. Treatment plans are tailored to target each client’s specific pest issue, whether it’s spiders in the bedroom, ants marching in from the garden, or rodents squeaking.

Expert pest controllers use integrated pest management techniques that combine several methods for the best results:

  • Applying pesticides in strategic locations
  • Setting out bait traps and stations
  • Sealing cracks and crevices where pests enter
  • Modifying environmental conditions to deter pests
  • Using natural predators when appropriate
  • Advising clients on prevention tactics

This multi-pronged approach manages infestations for current relief while implementing preventive measures for long-term control. Environmentally responsible products and pest treatment methods are used whenever possible.

Commercial Pest Management

Workplaces like offices, warehouses, restaurants, hotels, and retail spaces require diligent pest management to pass health inspections, adhere to regulations, protect inventory, and provide a clean and safe environment. Commercial locations often struggle with pests due to factors like customer traffic, extensive food prep areas, and large facilities with multiple rooms and entry points.

Commercial pest control programs in Perth incorporate thorough inspections, professional treatments, and staff education. Some of the tailored services provided include:

  • Industry-Specific Programs: Plans specially designed for hospitality, healthcare, education, retail, food processing, agriculture, and other sectors.
  • Fumigation: Encapsulating and flooding buildings with pesticide gases to eradicate serious infestations.
  • Heat Treatments: Heating areas to lethal temperatures using propane or electric powered heaters.
  • Bird Exclusion: Installing netting, spikes, Slope to discourage nuisance birds from roosting.
  • Rodent Control: Using traps and low-toxic baits in commercial kitchens, warehouses, and landscapes to eliminate mice and rats.

Ongoing pest monitoring and maintenance treatments ensure business owners maintain compliance and high operational standards.

Common Pests Controlled by Perth Companies

Common Pests Controlled by Perth Companies

Reputable agencies have proven systems to control all prevalent pest species in the Perth area, including:

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches contaminate food preparation surfaces and spread filth wherever they travel. The most common cockroach infestation caught in Perth homes and eateries are German and Australian roaches. Since killing adult roaches still leaves egg cases with living embryos, extermination combines targeted spraying and industry-strength baits that poison all life stages. Preventative gel treatments in likely harborage sites also deter future infestations.

Ant Control

Sugar and grease loving ants invade kitchens, climb walls, and march along countertops in long parade lines. Odorous house, black house, white-footed, and Argentine ants are frequently reported pests in residential and commercial sites throughout Perth. Extreme ant colonies numbering in the hundreds of thousands are best managed with liquid and bait mixtures that workers carry back to the hidden nest, destroying the entire population including the queen ant.

Spider Control

Venomous spiders like redbacks and trapdoor spiders hiding in dark corners can frighten homeowners and employees. Web building spiders also damage machinery and annoy customers caught in their silky traps. Perth pest pros apply industrial strength pesticides to garages, sheds, fences, gardens, and other known hiding spots to kill spiders on contact and repel newcomers. Sticky traps supplement chemical treatment tactics.

Flea Control

Tiny fleas jump onto pets and humans where they bite to feed on blood, causing itchiness and skin irritation. Eggs fall off the host into carpets and bedding and hatch into larvae that eventually mature into more biting adults. Flea control starts by ridding all infested animals with vet approved topical treatments. Then technicians use insect growth regulators and premises sprays to kill fleas in the home at every life stage. This breaks their breeding cycle.

Bird Control

Flocks of pigeons, mynahs, and other nuisance birds damage exterior infrastructure with their pecking and build up mounds of messy droppings. Birds searching for food and nesting spots fly through open warehouse and restaurant doors. Perth pest experts install spike strips, netting, Slope, flashing and other exclusions across roosting and entry points. Removing food debris and sealing waste bins also helps deter problematic gatherings of birds onsite.

Mosquito Control

Blood sucking mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases like Ross River fever, Barmah Forest virus, and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes breed in standing water found in rain gutters, plant pots, discarded tires, and other sites. To eliminate mosquito breeding grounds, technicians drain or treat water sources with larvicides. Fogging large areas with pesticidal mists provides immediate relief by killing adult mosquitoes on contact during peak seasons.

Rodent Control

Mice and rats destroy insulation, contaminate food, and spread health risks. They squeeze through tiny holes and rapidly multiply once settled in. Rodent control deploys bait stations and snap traps to kill off current invaders. Sealing all possible building entry points keeps new ones out. Outdoors, clearing piles of debris scotches nesting spots. Using barn owls or cats as natural rat predators provides free maintenance.

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs hide out in bedroom furniture and bedding where they feed on human blood at night. Their small, flat bodies make it easy for them to conceal themselves in cracks and crevices. Bed bugs are difficult to treat because all life stages can survive up to a year without feeding. Extermination requires vacanting infested rooms to apply pesticides to every inch of the area. Heat treatment to 60 °C also kills all life stages. Follow up sprays and traps prevents bed bug resurgences.

Bee and Wasp Control

Bees and wasps create nuisance nests under roof eaves, in old trees, and other protected sites. Stinging insects swarm and attack when threatened, posing safety issues for employees and guests outdoors. Nests are removed at night when wasps are less active. Eco-friendly dust insecticides applied into nest openings safely destroy nest interiors. Sealing holes in walls also prevents new nest building. Traps draw out and contain remaining wasps.

Silverfish Control

Silvery quick silverfish dart out when books, documents, artwork, and photos are moved or opened. These slithering insects munch on glue, paper, starch, and fabric, causing costly destruction to valued items. Freezing or heating infested materials kills silverfish on contact. Application of boric acid powder also desiccates silverfish while preserving delicate items. Regular cleaning and dehumidification maintains dry, unfavorable conditions.

Termite Control

Termites are the costliest pests in Perth, causing millions in property damage yearly. There are over 400 termite species in Australia. Subterranean termites are most destructive, living underground while eating wood structures from below. Worker termites travel through mud tubes to bring wood debris back to their nest. Controlling termite infestations involves:

Termite Inspections

Since termites do their work secretly, regular inspections are key for early detection. Trained professional team inspect foundations, attics, moldings, and woodpiles for the signs: mud tubes on exterior walls, hollow damaged wood, discarded wings from reproductive swarmers. Thermal imaging cameras identify hidden nests. Getting annual inspections protects your biggest property investment.

Termite Barriers

Preventative chemical soil barriers underneath and around concrete slabs blocks termite entry from underground. Nontoxic physical barriers also deter mischief. Exterior concrete foundation are also drilled and treated with termicides during construction and retrofitting. Removing exterior wood-to-ground contact deters termite interest. Regular perimeter treatments around the house enhances protection.

As you can see, reputable pest control firms offer a full suite of services to manage pests effectively and prevent future infestations in residential, commercial, and industrial sites throughout Perth and Western Australia. Hiring trained specialists ensures your property stays clean, healthy, and pest-free living space without harming desired plants or pets in the process.

DIY Pest Control

Trying to get rid of pests yourself by using home remedies and store-bought pesticides may seem like a good way to save thousands of dollars. But most people are disappointed with the results. Hiring a professional pest control service is a safer and more effective way to solve the problem.

DIY Pest Control Professional Pest Controller
Don’t have the knowledge and training to identify nuisance pests and know how they live Can accurately identify pests and understand their behaviors to target treatments
Use weaker pesticides in smaller amounts Use stronger commercial grade chemicals that work better
Only spray once, which gives temporary relief Keep checking regularly and spraying on a schedule
Use general methods that don’t get to the root cause Inspect to find where pesky pests enter, hide out and breed to cause an infestation
Risk exposing yourself and family to chemicals Trained and licensed to handle chemicals safely
Have to guess what works through trial and error Use proven effective methods honed from years of experience
End up frustrated that nothing works well Get peace of mind knowing the experts are handling it


Over time, hiring professional services to manage destructive pests provides better, long-lasting protection. They have the tools, chemicals and advanced approaches to get your home healthier.

Professional Pest Control Perth

About Perth

Perth is the capital city of Western Australia. The metro area covers over 5,600 square km along the Swan River and Indian Ocean coast. Greater Perth has around 2 million residents. Over 8 million visitors per year come to see attractions like Kings Park, Swan Valley, and Rottnest Island.

Perth has busy shipping ports and airports bringing goods from overseas. This allows pests to sneak in undetected. Its climate is warm Mediterranean, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. These weather conditions allow many pest species to thrive year-round.

Public parks, rivers, drains, gardens, and bushland around Perth provide the perfect places for spiders, mosquitos, rodents, snakes and more to flourish. Ants, fleas, cockroaches and other pests also easily invade homes and businesses.

Pest control stays very busy across metro Perth. They monitor and manage pests on commercial and residential properties so they don’t get out of hand. Property owners get seasonal treatments to prevent springtime ant infestations, summer mosquito manifests, etc based on weather patterns. Passing health inspections requires proper pest management yearly.


How much does professional pest control cost in Sydney?

Prices range from $100 – $1000 per treatment. It depends on your home’s size, the type of pests, and how bad the infestation is. Here are typical price ranges:

  • Small spider or ant treatments: $100 – $300
  • Cockroach and mouse treatments: $250 – $500
  • Timber pest inspections and treatment: $500 – $1000
  • Commercial locations with regular monthly visits: $150+ per visit

What’s included in basic pest control?

A standard treatment for common household pests like spiders, ants, silverfish, and millipedes includes:

  • A thorough inspection
  • Applying commercial grade pesticides inside and outside
  • Any needed follow up visits and expert advice

What affects the pricing?

Pricing considers:

  • Property size
  • Location
  • Type of pest
  • How easy it is for technicians to access the pests
  • Preparation work needed
  • Materials and staffing required
  • Number of visits
  • Season and local pest activity
  • How bad the infestation is

Difficult jobs or rush requests cost more. Termite treatments have extra costs like installing monitoring stations and barriers in the building foundations. Fumigating big commercial property is pricier too.

Get free quotes from recommended pest control companies to compare rates for your situation. Regular maintenance packages can provide savings over time.