How to Keep Pests Away from Your Home

Guarding Your Home Against Pest Intrusions

Found another nasty critter scuttling across your floor? Or disturbed by the constant buzz of flies all day long?

Unwanted pests are uninvited guests that create havoc in our homes, turn our lives upside down and pose a severe threat to our health.

But you’re not alone in this battle against unwelcome invaders.

Our team of pest control operators here at Pro Pest Control Perth has prepared tips for preventing and controlling them.

Keep It Clean

A dirty home is like an open invitation to unwanted pests. Spilled crumbs, unwashed dishes, and overflowing trash bins are nothing but a lavish buffet for them. Got a grimace on your face just thinking about it? Let’s get scrubbing then! A deep cleaning routine. Wiping kitchen surfaces after every meal, vacuuming regularly, and taking out trash daily can dramatically reduce unwanted visits from pesky insects and rodents.

Do The Laundry

Are you hanging clothes without washing them for days? That’s terrible news brewing right there. Certain pests love cozying up in piles of dirty laundry as they offer a warm nest with abundant food sources like food scraps. An unpleasant thought isn’t it? Time to rethink laundry day then. Washing your bed linens, curtains and clothing more frequently will undoubtedly leave those critters homeless.

Clean Your Yard

That thick bush near your window or the pile of fallen leaves rotting since last fall might be the next posh residence for pests outside your house before they sneak their way inside from the ground. Seems like an ugly scenario doesn’t it? Prevent these outdoor nightmares by maintaining a clean yard with trimmed shrubs, raked leaves, and sealed garbage cans which will have those unwanted pests packing their bags.

Check the Foundations

Ever wondered why household pests always seem to crawl out from under the house or between exterior wall joints or roof? Well, that’s because gaps in siding joints often act as gateways for unwanted pests into your home sweet home. These little kamikazes of destruction squeeze through the smallest openings or wood with such remarkable ease causing untold havoc once inside. Ensure all foundational openings are properly sealed.

Caulking Gaps

Caulking sounds daunting and quite technical but trust me it’s not as bad as it sounds. Small cracks and crevices around window frames or underneath exteriors are perfect hiding spots for bugs and critters when seeking refuge during extreme weather conditions. With a bit of caulking tape, you can seal these gaps making it impossible for pest infestations to sneak in or find shelter within. And the best part is that caulking requires no special skills or heavy-duty tools from your local hardware store. Just your trusty hand and a little patience will be enough for this DIY pest control job.

Tips for Specific Pests


Are uninvited mice or rats making themselves cozy in your home? These rodents are drawn to open food sources and warm spaces to nest. You can stop them by sealing all openings larger than 1/4 inch throughout the house, keeping trash securely sealed, and regularly inspecting for signs like chew marks or droppings.


Spotted Charlotte weaving her web in the corner again? Keep spiders outdoors where they belong by ensuring windows and doors are installed tightly without any gaps that act as potential entry points for these eight-legged uninvited guests. Regularly dusting and vacuuming corners or storage areas also discourages these crawlers from establishing their webs indoors.


The very name sounds horrid, doesn’t it? Cockroaches hide away during the daytime only to come out during the night searching for food and water sources. You can prevent their invasion by keeping surfaces spotlessly clean and fixing pipes or leaks immediately. Remember they love damp areas. Also, use tightly sealed food containers for all food items, even pet food, as open meals are a welcoming invitation for these creepy crawlers.


The silent destroyers. Most of us realize the horror of their presence only when it’s too late. Regular professional inspections and the use of safe pesticides are a must for preventing termite invasions. Maintaining the house’s exterior and foundation can also finish off hidden entry points. Keep firewood stacked well away from your home’s exterior and diligently clear dead trees or stumps from your yard that might serve as termite feasts.


Suddenly discovered an ant parade across your counter? Ants are crafty creatures that sneak into homes through tiny cracks in search of food and water. Cleanliness is a simple fix. Make sure all food is properly stored in sealed airtight containers, and crumbs are promptly cleaned up. Twice a year, spray around the exterior edges of the house with insecticide to form a barrier ants won’t dare cross.

Use Plants as Natural Repellents

Who would have thought those pretty little potted beauties could double up as your first line of defense? One simple yet effective way to thwart away pest infestations is by using plants as natural repellents. Many insects despise the smells emitted by certain herbs and flowers. Lavender, marigold, chrysanthemums, or lemongrass. These aren’t just eye candy but also pest repellents par excellence. So next time you’re doing some landscaping or sprucing up your indoor spaces with greenery, make sure to add these critter-fighting champions.

Hire a Professional Pest Control Operator

Hands up if you’ve tried it all sprays, traps, and grandma’s old recipes for getting rid of pests, but they still keep coming back like guests who won’t take a hint. When all else fails, don’t be shy about calling in the cavalry. Yeah, it means shelling out some cash initially but think about the flip side. Peace of mind knowing unwanted creatures are being shown the door in an efficient manner without harming your family’s health or causing structural damage to your home.


What plants can be used as natural repellents?

Herbs and flowers like lavender, mint, citronella, basil, marigolds, and garlic all have natural pest-repelling qualities. Plant these around windows or door frames or in your garden near open areas that pest infestations are drawn to for easy access points into your home.

Are professional exterminators costly?

It depends. Some pest control services can be very costly while others, such as government-regulated pest management programs, can be more cost-effective when dealing with larger infestations. As always, it’s important to do comparison shopping between a variety of pest control operators before making a decision on which to hire.

How often should I inspect my house for possible gaps or entry points?

It’s important to keep up with regular preventative maintenance around your home. Inspect windows and foundations every spring and fall, caulk and seal any cracks or gaps, maintain good hygiene practices inside the house, and immediately tend to any standing water that might attract small animals. If you’re uncertain of what areas need attention, consult with a pest control professional for help.


In conclusion, it’s important to take action before a pest infestations becomes more severe and costly to fix.

Invest in regular preventive measures such as keeping a clean house and checking for signs of potential entry points into your home.

Consider natural pest-repelling methods such as using certain herbs and flowers that not only add color to your garden but truly keep unwanted guests away as well.

Finally don’t forget that if DIY preventative strategies fail, hiring professional exterminators might be necessary for larger-scale infestations.